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flow together.

Arrive and let go in the Thai Yoga Massage.

"Now I've been to your "massage" - but the word doesn't describe how you come into contact with your whole body. An extraordinary technique (...).”Gesa L

What's waiting for you

Thai Yoga Massage is one of the most beautiful things there is to find your way back into your own body, to let go of unwanted things or simply to be stretched out. I am happy to share them with you.

Thai Yoga Massage is holistic from toe to head and you can think of it as a kind of passive yoga - or with a wink "yoga for lazy people". She also works with energy lines and some of the stretches are reminiscent of yoga positions. Traditionally, the techniques are traced back to the Buddha's personal physician - Jivakar Kumar Bhaccha. Over the millennia, these have been further developed as a healing art in Thailand and have diversified under various influences. What they all have in common is metta.

Metta - loving kindness - is the basic premise of a massage.


Coming from the Buddhist, metta is a benevolent attitude towards all living beings. It is one of the most important objects of meditation, for example in Vipassana.

Every Thai Yoga Massage is tailored to you and your body!


Stretching, pressure points and meditative aspects are used. Different from person to person, it is perceived as relaxing, mobilizing or balancing. A slight muscle soreness the following day can also occur.

your appointment

TYM Dein Termin

A session lasts up to two hours, with time for tea, changing and relaxing after the massage. It is performed in long-sleeved, comfortable clothing on a futon on the floor.


Dates: by arrangement

Paulsenplatz 3, Altona.

90 - 120 minutes: 120 euros*

Four pack: 400 euros

Accompaniment as a targeted relaxation measure: four massages in four consecutive weeks

*The price is adjustable according to your personal possibilities, at your own discretion. If necessary, please talk to me about it beforehand. The duration results from the flow of the massage and how much time is brought along. There is always 120 minutes available. 


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“Your massage is phenomenal. Very inspiring, energetic, detaching.
I can recommend at any time. Thanks very much! And see you soon."


Hannah K

"(...) Svenja took an incredible amount of time and explained everything in detail beforehand. She carefully worked through my body very confidently and with exactly the right strength, every move was perfect.


It was a really unique and great experience to perceive your body so intensely and I thank you very much for that." 

Corinna P

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Kontakt TYM


Thai Yoga Massage is one of the most beautiful things there is. I would be happy to share them with you - toocouponsare possible!

Personally, we get ahead faster. Just call us through 0176 576 365 06

Or leave me a message here.

Your Svenja

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